On the windiest night of this winter, 13 Founder members ventured out into Make Space studios, Lambeth North hosted by Michael Wharley and Claire Grogan our treasurer joined the party via Skype.

We're getting into the nitty gritty business end of things now. Talking financial arrangements, member applications, databases and Trademarking our logo. Even though the subjects are sometimes formal, we manage to throw in some banter and friendly fun poking! tonight highlight being that John Clark won't need to be re-imbursed for travel to drama school workshops as he is the proud owner of a TFL Freedom Pass!

We plan to Soft Launch the APHP on 9th March, and bring in more members and connect with drama institutions and professional bodies shortly after. Really exciting times to get this organisation rolled out to the world and do some really beneficial work improving and furthering the Headshot Industry.