Donna Combe photographed by Claire Grogan.

Many actors are understandably anxious about having their headshots done - it’s one thing being on stage or screen, playing a role, but in front of a camera as YOURSELF? That can feel quite a different challenge! And then there’s the pressure to get that stand-out shot that truly captures you and grabs a casting director’s attention – no wonder it can feel stressful! But with the right preparation and the photographer’s help it can end up being a pleasurable experience with great results.

3 ways to build confidence before the shoot
Take a good honest look at yourself and identify what makes you unique  - and ask others whose opinions you value.

Think about your achievements, creativity and skills, what kinds of roles you enjoy and feel you’re good at.

Remember you’re an actor not a model!

3 tips to help calm those nerves on the day
Before you start shooting talk to your photographer! Sounds obvious but if you’re honest and say you’re nervous your photographer can then help relax you.

Try to think of the shoot as a fresh challenge rather than something daunting to be ‘got through’.

And above all try to enjoy it – you’re in safe hands!

In a recent shoot with Donna Combe, she told me she hated the gap in her teeth and always avoided smiling in photographs. I told her how much I LOVED her smile and I encouraged her to allow those laughs to happen. I think you’ll agree Donna’s smile is GLORIOUS and I’m delighted to say she now agrees with me!

So here’s to exploding that Headshots Anxiety – HA!

About Claire Grogan
Facebook: Claire Grogan Photography
Instagram: @ClaireGroganPix
Twitter: @ClaireGroganPix

About Donna Combe
Facebook: Donna Combe
Twitter: @donnacombe2
Instagram: @donnacombe3
Donna’s agent’s Twitter: @leemorgan_mgnt